
Causal painting, photography works and digital painting sometimes updated here.


Projects in C, python, JavaScript and Java. Most machine learning and natural language processing updates here.

Maki Ma

I'm looking for UI designer, web developer and software engineer intern or fulltime. Feel free to contact me on LinkedIn

What Am I Working On?

I am working as frontend and gamedesigner for several projects. Also working at NLP@GT and SAM@GT labs as undergrad researcher.

Design And Prototyping

Several games I participated as graphic designer. DailyUI challenge gallery. Architecture Portfolio.

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Website&App Development

I worked with several teams for app development. Currently working on Leaf App. Implemented multiple websites for gallery and blog.

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Machine Learning Research

Currently I'm doing undergrad research at Prof Yang's lab on Natural Language Processing. Include essays and linguistic related research. Another lab is for transportation planning.

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My Recent Works

After coming to the Tech, I've joined several projects in architecture, origami, web/app dev, and machine learning.

Hive Engineering Art Projects

As a PI at the hive IDC@GaTech, I've worked with Jonathan Loi to create origami and authentic laser cutter art. Click to see our projects.

Game Study under postmodern condition

In postmodern literature class, I developed this website for my group project. Check out these wonderful games!


A webgame my friend and I developed in 2019.

Architecture Portfolio

I'm still pursuing a minor in architecture& urban planning. Here's a collection of my studio works.

Origami Engineering & Art

With Professer Paulino, I designed a shading system with my group member from BME and architecture. Also my previous origami works include.

  • Visit the hive IDC if you wanna implement some cool project!

  • Contact me for digital painting and portrait!